Why this page??

[Text Data] [Severe Weather] [Tropical Atlantic] [Surface Data]
[Upper Air Data] [Radar Data] [Satellite Imagery] [Model Output]

Why make these pages? Well, I got tired of hunting & pecking through my hotlist to get access to all the meteorological data. Go there, look at that, go over there and look at that, etc. Then there's all the text that those sites provide with their data. Well, I am a professional meteorologist, I don't need to be spoonfed. Gimme data, darn it!

If you want to borrow these pages, and customize them, that's ok by me. Just don't try to pass off the images as your own work - these data centers provide the images for free, and I'd like to keep it that way. So assume that all images are Copyright © of their respective sources.

Mailto: JNS Statistics-FSU
Last Modified: Sun, 27 Jun 1999