Model Output

The 12 hour surface ETA forecast valid 00Z 15 Jul 1995. Shaded contours indicate predicted precipitation. Lotsa rain!

[Text Data] [Severe Weather] [Tropical Atlantic]
[Surface Data] [Upper Air Data] [Radar Data] [Satellite Imagery]
[ Server References] [ Why this Page?]

Images with 4 panels are model output through 48 hours, those with 6 are through 72 hours. Each panel of the frame is a forecast at 12 hour increments, beginning with the 12 hour forecast in the upper left, and the n hour forecast in the lower right. Images are again from Unisys's WXPserver.

Numerical Models: Aviation (AVN), Eta (ETA) and Nested Grid (NGM)
Initial analyses AVN ETA NGM
1000 mb AVN ETA NGM
850 mb AVN ETA NGM
700 mb AVN ETA NGM
500 mb AVN ETA NGM
300 mb AVN ETA NGM
RH/Lifted Index AVN ETA NGM
48 hour Total Precipitation AVN ETA NGM

Mailto: JNS Statistics-FSU
Last Modified: Sun, 13 Jun 1999